Google Map of Tilton on the hill

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Rich Tilton 07 December 2023
Doing some family research and found this site. Trying to put the pieces together. just booked a stay at Rose@Crown. Very much looking forward to our visit to learn more.

Judith 22 January 2021
Congratulations on a very interesting website. Siberia fact especially interesting!

I'm researching my 3GGmother Ann Springthorpe, born in Ruddington 1775 to Thomas and Sarah Springthorpe. She married Thomas Taylor from Cheshire in Worthington Leics in 1805 and they farmed at East Stoke Notts for many years. She died in 1845 and is buried at East Stoke. Does your History group know of any links with Tilton on the Hill? Such an unusual name, surely the same family?
Best regards


Simon Randell 09 November 2020
Great site, found whilst researching my family tree, plenty of Randells over the years!

Margaret Vennard 26 September 2020
Thank you for creating this site. I would never have known the name of the man my great Aunt married- Susanna Wasson from Letterbin, County Tyrone married Frederick Viveash. I would be glad to hear from a relative of Frederick. Thank you

Christine Elliott 11 July 2020
I found this site while researching my family tree, my paternal grandmother Annie Zanker 1867 Billesdon. Lots of useful information.
Really appreciate all the hard work that has been put in to this site by so many people.
Thank you.

Michael Summerfield 21 March 2020
I arrived at this site while researching the family tree of my maternal grandfather (Lomas). Absolutely amazed at the huge amount of work which has gone into it!

PROUST Françoise 30 January 2019
Je suis en France à Tours, 37000. Je suis Madame Proust Françoise, divorcée BARRIER. JE RECHERCHE UN AMI DE MON FILS: PETER HAWSWORTH né à Tilton-on-the-hill. Il habitait dans cette ville avec ses parents dans les années 90. Il est venu en France chez moi pour un échange linguistique avec le lycée FRANCOIS CLOUET de Tours 37000. Il avait 18 ans environ et mon fils, Florent BARRIER avait 16 ans et demi.! Il était brun avec des cheveux mi-longs et avait une barbe et des moustaches. Très gentil et très amusant. Nous l'avions emmené à une cérémonie de baptême de ma nièce. Tout le monde l'avait apprécié. Mon fils et moi serions TRÈS HEUREUX DE RETROUVER PETER. VOUS POUVEZ LUI DONNER MON N° DE TEL : 068544966. JE VOUS REMERCIE PAR AVANCE DE ME TENIR AU COURANT. A bientôt j'espère.
Françoise PROUST ; divorcée BARRIER

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