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Families of

Thomas Porter 1.Thomas married Lydia.

Lydia 1.Lydia married Thomas Porter.

They had the following children:

  M i David Fletcher Porter

William Jarman [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 was born 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 in 1822 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He died 19 in Mar 1902 in Billesdon, Leicestershire, England. He married Alice Spreckley. William was baptized 20 on 5 Jan 1821 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 21 in 1881 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 22 in 1841 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 23 in 1861 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 24 in 1891 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 25 in 1901 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 26 in 1871 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 27 in 1851 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England.

Alice Spreckley [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 about 1831 in Loddington, Leicestershire, England. She married William Jarman. Alice resided 7 in 1851 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. She resided 8 in 1861 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. She resided 9 in 1871 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England.

They had the following children:

  M i Joseph Jarman
  F ii Susannah Jarman 1 was born 2 in 1854 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. Susannah resided 3 in 1861 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England.
  M iii William Jarman 1, 2 was born 3, 4 about 1858 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. William resided 5 in 1861 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 6 in 1901 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England.

Adah Spreckley 1 was born 2 in 1796 in Great Dalby, Leicestershire, England. Adah resided 3 in 1851 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England.

She had the following children:

  F i Alice Spreckley

Joseph Jarman [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7, 8 about 1853 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He married Elizabeth. Joseph resided 9 in 1881 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 10 in 1861 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 11 in 1891 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 12 in 1871 in East Norton, Leicestershire, England.

Elizabeth was born about 1855. She married Joseph Jarman.

Edward Morley-Fletcher 1 was born on 23 Dec 1904 in London, England. He died in Jul 1984 in North Walsham, Norfolk. He married Elisabeth Gregson.

Elisabeth Gregson 1 was born on 20 Jun 1914 in London, England. She died in Feb 1996 in North Walsham, Norfolk. She married Edward Morley-Fletcher.

They had the following children:

  M i Charles Edward Morley-Fletcher 1, 2, 3 was born 4 on 26 Mar 1939 in London, England. He died 5 in Aug 1977 in Richmond, Surrey, England.

John Walker [Parents] 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 was born 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 about 1817 in Tilton, Leicestershire, England. He died 11 in Apr 1874 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. He married Ann. John resided 12 in 1841 in Tilton, Leicestershire, England. He resided 13 in 1851 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. He resided 14 in 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. He resided 15 in 1871 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.

Ann 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1825 in Uppingham, Rutland, England. She died in 1866 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. She married John Walker. Ann resided 5 in 1851 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. She resided 6 in 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.

They had the following children:

  M i Henry Walker 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1851 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. Henry resided 5 in 1851 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. He resided 6 in 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.
  F ii Mary A Walker 1, 2 was born 3, 4 about 1854 in Tilton, Leicestershire, England. Mary resided 5 in 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. She resided 6 in 1871 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.
  F iii Kate Walker 1, 2 was born 3, 4 about 1859 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. Kate resided 5 in 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. She resided 6 in 1871 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.
  F iv Betsy Walker 1, 2 was born 3, 4 about 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. Betsy resided 5 in 1861 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. She resided 6 in 1871 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.
  F v Fanny Walker 1 was born 2 about 1863 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. Fanny resided 3 in 1871 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.
  M vi John Walker 1 was born 2 about 1864 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England. John resided 3 in 1871 in Twyford, Leicestershire, England.

John Spriggs 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 about 1842 in Greetham, Rutland, England. He died in 1895 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England. He married Mary Ann Sewell in Mar 1875 in Oakham, Rutland, England. John resided 6 in 1871 in Greetham, Rutland, England. He resided 7 in 1881 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England.

Mary Ann Sewell [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 about 1853 in Langham, Rutland, England. She died 6 in Jul 1890 in Billesdon, Leicestershire, England. She married John Spriggs in Mar 1875 in Oakham, Rutland, England. Mary resided 7 in 1881 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England.

They had the following children:

  F i Mary Elizabeth Ann Spriggs 1 was born 2 about 1877 in Belgrave, Leicestershire, England. Mary resided 3 in 1881 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England.
  F ii Georgina Spriggs 1 was born in Jan 1878 in Oakham, Rutland, England. She died in Jan 1894 in Leicestershire, United Kingdom.
  F iii Eliza Spriggs 1, 2 was born 3 about 1880 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England. Eliza resided 4 in 1881 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England.
  M iv Frederick Spriggs 1, 2 was born 3 about 1881 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England. He died in 1894 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England. Frederick resided 4 in 1881 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England.
  M v Harry Spriggs 1 was born in 1883 in Knossington, Leicestershire, England. He died on 12 Aug 1961 in The General Hospital, Leicester, Leicestershire, England.
  F vi Jesse Spriggs was born in 1886 in Owston, Leicestershire, England. She died in 1886 in Owston, Leicestershire, England.
  M vii Bert Spriggs 1 was born on 13 Apr 1888 in Billesdon, Leicestershire, England. He died on 5 Feb 1931 in Algoma, Ontario, Canada.
  F viii Mary Ann Spriggs 1 was born in 1890 in Withcote, Leicestershire, England.

Robert Sewell 1 was born in 1841 in Langham, Rutland, England. He married Elizabeth sewell.

Elizabeth sewell 1 was born in 1841 in Oakham, Rutland, England. She married Robert Sewell.

They had the following children:

  F i Mary Ann Sewell

Joseph Slater 1 was born 2 about 1851 in Cambridgeshire, England. He married Ellen about 1882. Joseph resided 3 in 1881 in East Barnet, Hertfordshire, England.

Ellen.Ellen married Joseph Slater about 1882.

Reuben Tynne.Reuben married Fanny.

Fanny.Fanny married Reuben Tynne.

They had the following children:

  M i James Henry Alfred Tynne 1 was born 2 in Jul 1876 in Billesdon, Leicestershire, England.
  F ii Rosa Tynne was born about 1876.
  F iii Rose Tynne was born about 1876.

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